I stumbled across her TikToks and liked what she had to say so I watched a few of her Youtube videos. The persona she embodies on those is very different from how she appears on the Hulu documentary, which I find FASCINATING. I'm hoping someone else I know will watch these so we can compare impressions... (Do you have Hulu? GO WATCH NOW! and then let's talk about it!)
I just get a lot of fear and ego and protectiveness from her in the hulu docu... I see someone who was severely hurt in the past, but thinks she's a whole lot more healed than she actually is...
Though she also says something interesting, and it's along the lines of: If you're a pop star and people think you're a bitch, then you'll just sell more albums. But if you're in the spiritual community, there a purity litmus test...
She's not wrong about this. I just think the hurt people who find her will be willing to make her the center of their world, and that might not be healthy for them.